About Us

Welcome to WAC Antler Chews! WAC was born in 2017 from a real love for dogs and a passion for naturally shed antlers. We are committed to delivering the highest quality, healthy, and natural antler dog chews that ensure safe, long-lasting enjoyment for pets while respecting wildlife.

Our family-owned business is based in beautiful Northern Utah, with roots running deep into the Western Rocky Mountains, where some of the finest antlers are naturally shed. Unlike commercial farms, we rely on wild-gathered, premium deer antlers for dogs from free-ranging animals, which ensures that every antler we offer is naturally sourced and free from additives or preservatives.

A Natural, Ethical Resource

Every year, the wild deer, elk, and moose go through a phase where they let fall their antlers due to their normal cycle. In springtime, it is during which the antlers of animals grow new that is made with nutrient-rich cartilage covered in a velvety layer. In their growth stages, blood provides nourishment that allows their antlers to grow rather fast. Since it is set with nutrient riches including calcium and phosphorus, this develops to make hard wholesome long-lasting dog-chewing goodies. Our commitment to sustainability ensures that antler dog chews cause no harm to the animals and leave no environmental footprint.

Our Promise to You and Your Pets

We sell deer antlers for dogs at prices that are fair and competitive. When you choose WAC, you give your pet an all-natural, renewable resource that's mess-free, odor-free, and long-lasting. Our chews are nutritious but also help in oral health by cleaning your dog's teeth and gums.

WAC Antler Chews has always been driven by its values: quality, fairness, and honesty. Its long-term relations with the customers help assure a wonderful, high-quality product each time & because of this great and reliable supply of wild antlers, you are assured that you always get premium products.

Give your furry pet the taste of the Wild Western Rocky Mountains with ethically sourced antler dog chews from WAC Antler Chews, quality, care, and nature all at once!